Each day I see you saying that you want a better life, how you are yearning to learn, to grow, to CHANGE.
Here are my C’s & D’s to CHANGE.
COMMITMENT – You must be committed to changing your life! This isn’t just saying you are committed but taking the steps that you need to in order to show not only yourself but also those helping you and the Universe that you are ready to CHANGE.
CONCENTRATION – This is showing up ready to learn, putting the effort in to concentrate on the things you are being taught, listening to the guidance of the Universe. We all know this one can be hard when you have family, work, outside distractions but only YOU can make the time.
COMPASSION – You must show compassion to yourself during your CHANGE. Every step that you take to change yourself, your mindset, your habits, your beliefs will take you into unaligned beliefs or negative feelings because this is how we grow. Be compassionate to yourself and learn from this instead of condemning yourself.
CONSISTENCY – Be Consistent in everything that you do. This doesn’t mean every moment of everyday but if you are going to CHANGE you should be consistent in what you are doing, such as routines. Make time each day to practice the things you need to in order to CHANGE. We all experience setbacks and times when we just don’t feel like showing up but, you must show up!
DETERMINATION – Determination is believing that you are not going to give up no matter what gets in your way!!! The only thing truly stopping you from CHANGE is yourself. You create your life, you create your limitations, you create your goals. If you want to CHANGE then set the determination through intention, journaling, planning and Mindset to make it happen!
DEDICATION – You must dedicate the CHANGE to your Self to your Body, to your Mind. You are the one who will benefit the most from your CHANGE. You are the one who is trying to create change within and outside yourself so that you may be living the life of your dreams instead of feeling stuck where you are.
DRIVE – Only you can decide how far you go with your CHANGE. Literally the sky is the limit on what you can create in your own life. If you don’t want it, if you don’t make it happen, if you don’t create space for your CHANGE then it won’t happen. You are the only person who can continue with your path. No one is going to force you to CHANGE.
DEMAND – Nothing can get in your way!!! If you created the life that you are living, then only you can create the life that you dream about. Only you can bring peace, love, healing and happiness to your life. You must DEMAND the CHANGE for yourself. You must go the distance, make the choices and lift yourself up higher than you could ever imagine. No one can stop you and no one can force you!!! DEMAND CHANGE for your SELF.
CONNECTION – My all-time FAV!!! I believe that in order to CHANGE, in order to create your Spiritually Aligned Life you must connect your Body, Mind & Spirit.
Your Spirit is your energetic life force, your ability to connect to a higher purpose and meaning. This is your Universal knowledge, energy, love and guidance. This does not mean you have to become or practice Spirituality. This is YOU connecting to YOUR HIGHER SELF!!!
Your Body is so very important because you must nurture, grow and keep your body healthy. Now while we all must go through dis-ease and illness as part of our human experience I do believe that keeping your energetic life force healthy, happy and loved with many different things such as mindset, food, water, relaxation, cleansing, protection, etc. is vital to change and living a Spiritually Aligned Life.
Your Mind is the ultimate in change. Your Mind is where your beliefs, limitations, strengths, weaknesses and all the C’s & D’s reside. This is what makes or breaks your ability to change, love, grow, heal and live your ideal Spiritually Aligned Life. Your mindset is made up of all the beliefs, experiences, goals, wishes and dreams you have ever had. You make many if not all your decisions based on your mindset beliefs. (Learn about this by reading up on my 7 Mindset Pillars on the Learning Resources page.)
You can find many resources, teachers, mentors, guides or Coaches (wink wink) who can help you navigate through your CHANGE in the most efficient, loving, nurturing ways.
You must make the decision to change your life because you are the only one in control of it.
Much Love,